Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Calendar

Click here to download the entire 2012 calendar. These are pdf files, so you can print each month at your leisure or the entire year at once.
I have some great FREE printables coming up for getting organized. I used a calm color scheme since it won the most votes. I may come up with something more colorful, but for right now I have my hands full. Stay tuned for tons of printables to get your house in order! I have tried to make several customizable and I am excited. 
I only have limited internet access for the next few days so be patient while I workout the downloading bugs. This is the first multipage file I have uploaded so there may be some kinks. If you email me, just know I may not be able to get back to you until next week. 
As always, you should be able to download these for FREE. They often ask you to download it with a premium account which it will ask you to pay for, make sure you just click to the free part. It will usually make you wait for 20 seconds for the download file link to appear so just be aware. 

Enjoy the calendar!  

I'm join these fabulous link parties each week: Flamingo ToesI heart naptime, Under the table and dreaming, Not your ordinary Recipes, Not just a housewife, The Project Queen, Creating my way to success, Craft Couture, Funky Polkadot Giraffe,The Kurtz Corner Krafty Kat, Polly want a Crafter, Blue Cricket Design, Southern Lovely, Ginger Snap Crafts,  Women who do it all, Eisy Morgan, Laugh, Love, CraftClean & ScentsibleHouse of Hepworths, Somewhat Simple, The Shabby Creek Cottage, The Shabby Nest, The Speckled Dog, Tatortots & Jello, Simply Designing, Chic on a Shoestring, Just a Girl ,Someday Crafts, Reasons to skip the housework,  The Idea Room ,Between U and Me,   Home Saavy
Pocket full of pink,  For the love of cupcakes, Positively SplendidRaising 4 Princesses , One Stop Shoppe

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Decor

Well, I have put off this post because I was waiting on more pictures of some of my other decor including my son's personal Christmas tree. Its so cute, however, since the move I lost my usb cable to my camera...and my card reader just stopped working so I can't get my pics off my camera right now. So here is what I had pictures of already downloaded.
 The front door wreath, real pine and berries. I love it.
It smells as good as it looks!
I am accenting with reds and blues to go with my white gold tree and accessories. 
Find the printable here.

The reason for the season.
Love different ornaments in apothecary jars.
My mom gave all her grandkids these cute nativity boards last year. So fun for them to play with.
Santa blocks...just cause they are cute.
I put my ruffle tree and beaded tree on the mantle.
I will post some of my other decor...if I ever get my card reader to work!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Color Pallette Opinions

I could use your opinions. I am re-working some of my free printables for my home binder (I think I haven't shared most of them yet, sorry!). I am hoping to maybe make them more customizable for you but was also wondered what kind of color scheme I should do. My home is has pretty soft colors right now. Most fitting are the current colors I am using which is listed as #1 Calm.

I want to hear what colors you guys might like best for a home organizing binder, otherwise I will probably just keep my same simple color palette. I will be sharing a binder sheet and then all my other home organizing sheets so I want them to all be coordinated and easy to put all together. I love my binder, and I cannot wait to share more free printables with all of you. If you would be so kind, leave a comment or there is a poll on the top right side of my blog for easy voting. I will give it a few days and see what the majority of you guys out there recommend. Thanks so much!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My new tree skirt...

I know, I know. I debated about even posting this because it is yet again another "ruffled" tree skirt. I almost didn't want to use it just because they are everywhere and I am kind of over them. But I had been planning to make this skirt for a while since our tree skirt was too small for our tree and it never looked right. (this was before pinterest bombarded my life with ruffled tree skirts) But I planned to make a tree skirt that would match the style of my tree, and I figured I would bother you with yet ANOTHER ruffle tree skirt. {cringe} I ordered nylon chiffon online at the same store I use to buy supplies for making pettiskirts. They offer great fast service and color selection. Plus, I have NEVER found nylon chiffon where I live, only poly chiffon which frays badly. I cut the chiffon in 5" strips.
I bought white felt for the base. It wasn't wide enough so I went and bought more...and sewed the two pieces together. Now my sewing machine is super old and apparently is on the fritz. It wasn't having my ruffler I pleated the chiffon by hand and fed it through ever so imperfectly. it won't show;) 
 {Yes, this project took like 3 or so hours because I had to do it that way!}
I just kept adding on layers as I went.
Final Product: I can't wait to go to upstairs in our monster moving mess(yep its been like 6 months since the move) and find our train and see how it barrels through the chiffon. :)
And the tree shot: {Daytime}
P.S. I won't be linking this to any parties to save the world from another ruffled tree skirt tutorial! LOL