Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crochet Hats

What do you do during a snow day? Why crochet of course! I have had a couple baby photoshoots lately and wanted to add to my prop hat stash. I have found some off etsy (I am addicted to prop hats) but I didn't have time to order any and with the snow days I decided to put my hands to good use. I went in my yarn stash and found some cute colors and then got my favorite pattern and went to work. I LOVE this pattern, I think it works great and is so cute. I used this pattern last year and made all my 11 neices and nephews age (11-9 months) hats. The pattern is easy to follow and easy to modify to make the hats vary in sizes. I used it to make all these hats, I just left off the earflaps on 2 of them and added in more rows as needed. You'll find the pattern here.  
Also, do you make hats? I would love to see some of your creations or a link to your store if you sell them!


  1. I featured you on my blog because you are awesome! check it out http://theloops13.blogspot.com


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