Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Aw Shucks...

Meg wrote a sweet little post about me today. It is so fun to know that people like some of what you do and enjoy the crafts you share! I love looking for inspiration and sharing common interests, its made crafting so enjoyable to share and get feedback! I am really so flattered Meg, thank you! Click on her button above to check out her blog.
She also gave me first award!
I will be back later tonight or tomorrow first thing to pass on the award to other bloggers! Right now I have a photo session that needs editing and nighttime is the only time I get any work done (not that I procrastinate...). Tell me I'm not the only one?


  1. I love your blog! The quilled paper heart craft is one of my favorites :) I came across your blog from the post on In The Loop.
    I'm now following you!


  2. Congrats!! I saw your awesome feature on the loop and JUST HAD TO COME MEET YOU!!! You have some incredible work girlie!!! I love it! I'm your newest follower!!!


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