Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Party

NOTE:pardon my was late and so I had no natural light. I hate that but it is what it is.

The past few days I have been super busy getting ready for our Christmas Party we put on for the young women in our ward. We do a progressive dinner at different leaders houses and mine was the last stop. I decided to make it extra cute. I decided to do red and light blue with snowflakes for my theme. First off I
went right to photoshop and starting making my cupcake toppers, labels, and banner. I went too hobby lobby and found a few things to add in as decor like these red berries below.

One of the leaders brought these delicious brownie cups!

Red velvet mini cupcakes I found at walmart last minute and decided I had to add them in. :)
Covered pretzel sticks. I will post how I made this later today or tomorrow. Everyone raved about these.

These were my "gifts" to everyone that came.
I wrapped up my husbands Xbox box to decorate the table. He was annoyed thrilled...but the box size was perfect. :)
These tissue balls are so fun and pretty easy. I made a tutorial on these for halloween. Click here to learn more.
We had wassail, but I also had these mini water bottles for those of us who don't like wassail. Overall I think everyone had a great time!
I'll be posting a little tutorial for making my Merry Christmas Banner today or tomorrow and will offer some free printables!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Might use some of your ideas for our upcoming party.

    My main question, though, is: would you mind sharing your wassail recipe? I'm looking for a tried-and-true recipe to use for the party and--from the looks of your party--you know how to make most things well. :-) My email is Thank you SO much!


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