Friday, March 1, 2013

What I'm Lovin' {3/1/13}

1. Tide with Febreze- I usually just stick with basic no scent laundry detergent, but I bought this one to give a try and love it. I love the smell, so fresh and clean
 2. Make-up forever aqua shadow in pearly copper- This shadow pencil is fantastic and it has been awesome for those days when you don't have time for much make-up. I just put in on and add a little mascara and I'm good to go. There are many shades, but I personally love pearly copper.

3. Nashville:- does anyone else watch this show? I don't know what it is exactly, but I really enjoy watching this. Plus, it has some great music!
4. Nestle Carnation Instant Breakfast- This may be odd, but sometimes I just don't have time or the desire for a 'real' breakfast so drinking this with milk and a banana has been a favorite as of lately.
   I would love to know what you're loving right now, so leave a comment and share. :)  Also, have you linked up at Crafty Tuesday this week? Click over and link up!
Stay tuned for part 2 of DIY Headboard...coming soon!
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  1. I drank Carnation Instant Breakfast when I was a kid - and I am 53. My son (14) drinks it on occasion too - it is a quick and easy breakfast before school. You don't see much advertising - if any - for it,but it sure has been around for a long time.

    1. True. My son loves it and I prefer it to typical chocolate milk. Just seems like its got a little more nutrition to it.


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