Monday, February 7, 2011

My New Favorite Thing

Have you guys heard about Pinterest? I am so loving it! I finally went in and created my account. How I wish I knew about this sooner! It is such a fun way to keep track of all those cute things you run across! I went in and added in a few of my favorites. So far I have just been doing home decor but I thought I would share 1 of my boards with you. Go here to check out my other boards and I will be adding more of my favorites!
Also, I've almost hit the 100 public followers mark! When I hit the 100 mark I will be doing my first giveaway so hopefully I will be able to do that this week! I am pretty excited!


  1. Everything in here looks so gorgeous! I'll have to give it a try. Good luck with reaching 100. I brag about your blog all the time!

  2. Also, you should make a tab for all of your printables. They are all so great and you could make it password protected or something and give the password to new followers to gain more. Knowing you though you will just give them all away anyway because you are too nice! :-)

  3. I am enjoying all your art work. I really like the words and patriotic pages very much. As far as Pinterest goes, I have been there for quite a while now, and I can't figure out how to get it sent to my email or blog. It can't be that difficult ?
    Sometimes I think I try too hard.
    Love your blog......


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