Thursday, February 24, 2011

Giveaway and some thoughts...

Boy today was sure gloomy! Not to mention I started another DIET. I know, its supposed to be a lifestyle change...yada, yada. Hopefully it will be. What am I doing besides being irritable and cranky? Surviving thats all. Just eating fruits and veggies, limited processed foods, watching calories, and exercising. I'll let you know how it goes. To keep my mind off sweets and crappy food that I love, I decided to go shopping. I found some beauties at the antique store. I really want this. It really reminds me of home. I think of my Grandma and Grandpa and it makes me quite happy. Its only $225, still too much for this student wife. :( I really do adore it though and I want a place to display some of my things that mean a lot to me and make me happy to look at.
At another store I found this one. It was $85. I would like to take out the black mesh and put in chicken wire spray painted white. Its very cute, but the one door didn't close quite right. I did like it though.
After finding lots of 'wants', I really started thinking about my priorities. I think my problem with all these wonderful blogs out there is I have seen so many AMAZING projects and rooms to love that my style has turned into that. I long for what they have...I want white furniture and grey/or light blue toned accent walls. Fun patterns and painted cupboards. I want a collection of white pitchers and funky window frames of all kinds! My beautiful white bedspread I am already planning. What's the problem with that? Well, my budget for one. Plus, I have always thought I was independent but I am starting to realize that I have fallen into the "blog trends".  I am hoping that I am just finding my style and that its not because everyone else is doing it. Time will tell. I just got to thinking the other day about what I like and why I like it. Do I really like it? Is it because its the 'ballard' or 'pottery barn' way? I am still not sure. One thing I am sure is...I have decided to stop the madness of buying cool crap! By that I mean that I am going to cut out thrifting for a month. Can I do it? We'll see. Its kind of a high to go shopping for affordable stuff with a vision of what it can become. After organizing my basement and seeing my lovely finds waiting for me I was thinking do I really need this stuff? Yes, its going to be cool. Yes it will look nice, but do I need it? More clutter, more things that I can turn into lovely knockoffs at a fraction of the price? Maybe some things, but not most. I have realized that many of my little cheap finds are adding up in storage space and money wise. Every penny adds up. Plus, I have lots of things to decorate with that mean nothing to me really. So, I am going to try and use what I have. I am going to try and stay out of Hobby Lobby too. That's a big deal for me. Lots of projects coming up that will be out of my own stash. I am pretty excited about it. I have also decided to make a commitment to myself and my spending. I don't mind buying but I am trying to do it with a purpose. Where will it go? What does it mean? Do I really need it? It'll be a work in progress I'm sure, but I bet it will help with my upcoming move.
 Okay, on to happier topics like my first giveaway! I now have over 100 followers and I just want to say thanks for being a follower and for leaving sweet comments. So of course I decided to do a gift card to my favorite store! Hobby Lobby!

So the giveaway is for a $15 gift card to Hobby Lobby. 
To Enter:


A winner will be announced Monday, Feb 28th!


  1. I love this post. I can see what you mean about the trends. I've always had my own way of doing things, this post was a great reminder of the importance of that. Thanks! I'm a follower of course!

  2. you will find the right cabinet at the right time. Continue to be yourself, that is what makes every blog different! congrat on making it to 100 followers!

  3. Those cabinets are beautiful. I'm a follower of your great blog!! Congrats on 100.

  4. I follow your blog and really enjoy reading it. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ugh... I am trying the lifestyle change too! The awful four letter word starting with a "D" is just cramping my cheesecake obsession! Hope we can both hang in there and not run the family off!! Love your blog and thanks for the inspiration and motivation. AJ - queenofmynest(at)gmail(dot)com

  6. I'm also working on that lifestyle change. So far I'm doing ok, keeping my meals at 1100 - 1200 cal/day, but I'm craving some high fat foods, especially cheddar cheese. I think I could easily eat a mountain of it every day!

    Good luck on reaching your goals!

  7. I am back on Weight Watchers for the 8th time I think. I know what you mean by wanting all the junk. Love your crafty ideas. Still trying to find my own style as well since I just bought a house for the first time in August.

  8. I know exactly what you mean. I only recently started even reading blogs again. I was finding it was a huge distraction for me and was pulling me away from what matters most. Not that blogs are a bad thing...I am limiting myself more now with now much time I can spend on the computer.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. This is my favorite blog to look at when I have free time. Keep it up. Love the shots of your pics.

  10. I am trying to clean out the clutter in my house but having trouble stopping myself from bringing more in. Maybe a one month moratorium isn't a bad idea.
    Also, I'm a public follower through GFC.

  11. I have actually not been thrifting in over a month! lol I have started to focus on what I have and how I want to change/improve it. I AM however going to start looking for a table or dresser for a room I am redoing. :) Ditto on the diet thing. Ick. Have a good one! Chris from

  12. I'm a follower! Great minds think alike!

  13. I am a follower :)

  14. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower, and I have the same problem of falling into design trends! Those cabinets are cute, though!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  15. I LOVE Hobby Lobby! Such a awesome giveaway! Love your blog! I'm also a follower!

  16. Nice!!! Not sure if this is working. This is my 2nd attempt but here goes. Love your blog and love Hobby lobby

  17. I'm a public follower of your blog. Love it!
    alishamears at yahoo dot com


Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I read each and every one!