Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome back to reality!

Well, my flight got in about 11:30pm last night and here I am back in reality. I wish I could say I feel refreshed and ready to go. Frankly...I feel overwhelmed! Just lots to catch up on. I wish I could say that I had the house in order when I left in December. It was fairly clean...but I usually put our Christmas decor up and away before we head out since I know dh won't do it while we are gone and I ran out of time. Now its on my list to do today as well.

Here's whats on my docket for the next few days:
Unpack (here is what is lurking in my living room)
Go through the mail (I've actually already went through this some...but this is what I have left.)
Put away Christmas Decor & tree
Buy groceries (that's todays big job...dh has been living on take-out and cereal!)

Do laundry
Unplog the clog in our shower/tub drain (that's a fun suprise to come home and find.)
Hopefully my energy will hold out today and I can get this place back into shape!
Also, I have something super cute to share with ya'll tomorrow!

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